Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Looking and Feeling Your Best

Looking & Feeling Your Best

With spring approaching officially on March 20th, what’s a better time to work on improving you both on the inside and outside. We’re here to give you the insight on how to feel your best this spring.

Incorporate a healthy diet

Obviously, this is easier said than done but,  it really will improve the way you feel overall. Eat fresh greens, fruits and vegetables. Strive to become the healthiest version of yourself. Take this challenge day by day and it will really pay off in the long run.

Set intentions

Setting goals for yourself is crucial. Working for a new promotion? Trying to lose that last five pounds? Set a personal goal for yourself in order to achieve it. Don’t give up until you’ve reached it. Spring is also a time for renewal, so don’t be afraid to try new things or introduce a new intention into your life. Don’t wait until tomorrow- start now! 

Get some fresh air!

Going outside for a walk and enjoying some breaths of fresh air is actually essential to our health. The air we breathe over and over again indoors for a long period of time is not supplying our bodies with the right amount of oxygen our bodies call for. Fresh air cleans out our lungs and brings oxygen to our cells. Increased oxygen brings clarity to the brain.  It provides more energy to our bodies, giving us assistance as that mid-afternoon tired feeling hits. Fresh air also improves digestion. Taking a small walk after you eat can actually aid in weight loss!


Recently becoming more popular, meditation is a great way to improve your health and well-being. Meditation provides awareness and mindfulness, creating emotional control and concentration. It’s about being present: aware of the here and now. It also is a cure for anxiety when done correctly, quieting and creating stillness for one’s mind. Through more and more practice, you realize that you are more than just your thoughts and find a control over them.


Exercising will not only make us look our best, it’ll make us feel happier as well. That’s a proven fact- it increases dopamine chemical levels in our brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is necessary for the feelings of happiness and pleasure. This is why after you work out you’ll notice you feel a little perkier.

Exercising also has numerous health benefits other than losing weight. It will help ease those with increased anxiety and it will help fight insomnia for those who can’t sleep. Increasing your heart rate triggers a rush of hormonal changes that will bring you closer to feeling happier, healthier, and stress free.

What about your hair?

Have you ever left the house in a bad mood because of an unfortunately typical "bad hair day?" When you don't look your best, you don't feel your best. New ImageHair Clinic offers several solutions for clients that are unhappy with their current hair situation. Is it too thin or are you worried about your hairline? Check out their website at for more information.  New Image Hair Clinic helps people feel good by looking every day and may be able to help you too.  

Friday, March 11, 2016

Common Reasons Women Lose Their Hair

For women, hair is more than just hair. It is a part of self-confidence. When it comes to a woman’s femininity, hair plays an important role for most people. It helps make women feel beautiful and young. As one ages, hair loss might take a toll on the self-confidence hair provides. It can be devastating, to say the least. Let’s take a look at a few types of female hair loss.   


Playing or twirling with your hair is a habit that a lot of women exhibit. This habit can easily turn into Trichotillomania, a serious hair loss condition. It is the act of pulling out hair and often can be done without even realizing it. This hair loss type is self-inflicted and often is used as a stress or anxiety reliever.

Traction Alopecia

Do you wear your hair in a tight ponytail for hours on end? You could eventually end up with Traction Alopecia. Pulling hair over time with different kinds of tight hair-styles lead to the hair follicles experiencing trauma and they stop growing all together.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a hair loss condition that begins with one’s immune system. This occurs when one experiences an inflammatory reaction, causing one’s own immune system to disturb the roots of the hair follicles, causing hair loss.

Anagen Effluvium

Have you or a loved one experienced hair loss from chemotherapy? Chances are you are experiencing Anagen Effluvium, hair loss occurring when cellular-level mitotic or metabolic activity impairs the hair follicles. Therefore, chemotherapy targets the hair follicle cells while attempting to cease the rapidly dividing, cancer cells.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Women with this diagnosis experience thinning all around their scalp. It is caused due to the existence of androgens, which are male hormones. Hormones are unstable, causing rapid hair loss. Causes of rapid levels of androgen include birth control pills, pregnancy and menopause.

New Image has a solution

If you are experiencing any type of hair loss and would like to reverse the damage it has caused to your hair, New Image Hair Clinic is here with answers. We offer the latest technology in hair restoration and hair loss treatment. Since we offer many different types of hair restoration, we recommend scheduling a free consultation to evaluate which solution is right for your type of hair loss.

Schedule a No Cost HairLoss Consultation with our Women’s Hair Loss Treatment Specialist. Our Microscopic Hair and Scalp Analysis allows us to determine the health of your scalp and hair. We can then present you with the best hair restoration options that will give you the most natural, undetectable solutions for your thinning hair and hair loss.